I would like to introduce you to a book: “Time is Life”.
A journey of Life, encounters, travel, questioning, evolution, understanding, hope, self-esteem, respect, and, above all, love.
This book is also a tribute to a man who has marked the author’s Life forever: his grandpa Charles. He lived his whole life with love, respect, sharing, passion, humor and an unshakeable desire for discovery for almost a century.
This book is a hymn to Life. It helps us develop an open mind about the world we live in, so that, despite our differences, we can all coexist in harmony.
We’re all lucky enough to be alive, so let’s hurry up to make the most of it in Respect and Peace, because Time is Life.
Thank you for sharing these positive energies around the world, so that in time we can achieve global change.
I’m just an open door
pointing a way.
If people can take
one step on that path,
I’ll be happy.
“Well done and thank you for life, thanks to life.” – Jean-Paul Augereau
“A book written with his heart.” – Élodie
“A superb moving book with lots of surprises. I love it.” – Franck
“A book full of humanity, love and wisdom. Congratulations again on this beautiful book.” – Stéphane
“Once upon a time… Time is Life! A few shivers on the first few pages… More than a book, it’s an experience of life!” – Laury
“Following your journey, it seems to me to be very close to certain Buddhist and Taoist ideas. More people need to think like that.” – Chris
“Don’t hesitate to share, as Fabrice does so well in his book. Much more than a book, treat yourself to a companion book, a guide, an authentic experience.” – Julia
“I’ve always had the feeling that Fabrice was one of those people who recognises who you really are. He has been rocking the island with his beautiful music for years, creating new avenues for artists and music lovers, and now this book… Magical moments ahead. Thank you for being.” – Jenny
“Your maxims on happiness, letting go and optimism are very real and explicit. Your book opens our eyes to the possibility of our future: our intrinsic self, our soul and our heart must change to improve the world. It encourages us to sit down and take the time to reflect on ourselves, our desires, our joys and our sorrows.” – André
“Your book has a single watchword: Love. Love of self, through respect for the wonderful human being that you are; love of others, through the respect and compassion that you have for others; love of the earth and the planet that you respect; and the love that we feel in every word of your book, which brings tears of joy to our eyes because we want to dance, sing and shout with you: life is beautiful. Thank you.” – Michèle
My grandfather, my hero
“When someone you love becomes a memory, his memory becomes a treasure.”
Have you ever met someone whose spirit was so vibrant, their curiosity so boundless, that they seemed to uncover the world’s mysteries with every passing day? My grandfather Charles was such a person. Living nearly a century, he never ceased to marvel at life’s wonders, teaching me that the world is a boundless treasure trove of knowledge and joy.
In this heartfelt tribute, I share the Life and legacy of a man who shaped my childhood and beyond. He was the guiding light for my sister and me, helping us take our first steps both literally and figuratively. His stories, rich with wisdom and experience, taught me that Life is an endless journey of discovery. Every conversation with him was a revelation, a reminder that no matter how much we learn, there is always more to explore and understand.
My Grandpa Charles showed me how to approach the world with a sense of wonder and to find joy in the simplest moments. He was not merely a living memory; he was a living legend whose Life lessons continue to inspire. His presence was a testament to the infinite possibilities that each day brings to us.
This book is an invitation to uncover the treasures of my grandfather’s Life, to see the world through his eyes, and to learn from the wisdom of his extraordinary journey.
Join me in celebrating a Life lived with love, respect, passion, humor, and an unwavering zest for discovery. Embrace the infinite wonders of the world and savor the joy in every moment, just as my grandfather did.
Through his rich Life and mentality, he is a role model for everyone to follow, for all present and future generations.
He was and will remain my hero forever. My grandpa Charles, I love you for Life.
Time for change
In the era of fake news, mass, and social media, Virtual Reality, AI, capitalization, industrialization, over-production, compulsive consumption, excessive waste, poverty, famine, climate change, air pollution, land pollution, and ocean pollution, deforestation, drought, violence, and wars, I believe it is good to come back to simple, basic, fundamental and immutable values which could allow us to live in harmony and peace on this small planet Earth.
These values include: love, respect, compassion, generosity, integrity, responsibility, service, sustainability, and gratitude.
By adopting these values, we can create a better and more peaceful world where all living beings can live in harmony.
The beginning
I decided to start writing this book to share the experiences and knowledge that made me the man I am today.
I would like to retrace my journey and my adventures for all my family and friends scattered around the world, as well as for all the people who will be interested in discovering my personal and spiritual development, my intellectual and human journey, my path of Life.
I want to share my thirst for Life, my cheerful, optimistic, and somewhat utopian world vision through my education, my evolution, my successes, my failures, my encounters, my practical experiences, and my authentic stories of Life.
As the chapters unfold, I will reveal how I changed my Life. Step by step, I will tell you my personal stories, which are all linked in time. You will discover the experiences that made me evolve and grow and ultimately led me to make this big decision:
Leaving France to live on another continent and settling there permanently.
Moreover, I would like to show you that in Life, with courage, patience, perseverance, and resilience, we can achieve all our dreams, even the craziest ones.
In reality, our dreams are goals that are sometimes long and challenging to achieve. But remember that nothing is impossible, and everything is possible. To fulfill our dreams, action is the key, and above all, never give up.
Make our Life a Dream…
My friend Bénédicte pointed out to me:
“Sometimes, the most complicated thing is identifying our dreams. We are so locked into limiting beliefs by education and society that most of our dreams are forgotten.”
I answered her:
“The first dream we all have is very simple: Being happy in our Life, in harmony with ourselves and our surroundings.”
Through this book, I intend to share my perception of happiness and the simple principles to base on to create, develop, and maintain deep and lasting fulfillment.
By sharing my experiences and those of the people I have met throughout my Life, I expect to inspire you by showing you that anything is possible.
I hope my story will touch your heart and make you realize that we have the power to change our lives, live happily in harmony, and achieve our dreams above all. Through my story, I hope you can find the strength to continue or begin your own journey in Life.
Yes, now is a difficult time for dreamers, but as Georges Bernanos would say:
“If I started my Life again, I would try to make my dreams even bigger because Life is infinitely more beautiful and bigger than I had believed, even in dreams.”
Make our dreams come true
Life is beautiful and precious.
Life is short. Time flies.
Let’s always remember that
Time is Life, so let’s make the most of it
in Respect and Peace.
Fabrice Blancher the author
Fabrice is a globe trotter, self-taught, passionate about discoveries, and has a Life full of encounters and experiences.
He left France in 2011 at 32, with 1,500 euros in his pocket, intended to live on another continent. For the 13 years afterward, he only spent five months in France. During this period, he has engaged with people from more than fifty countries, further enriching his knowledge and vision of Life.
After another year of significant changes, he begins writing his autobiography. To celebrate his 45th birthday, he published his first book based on the first part of his Life.
A book based on Life itself: how to appreciate Life at its true value, in harmony with the world around us, respecting different cultures, and living in peace.
A book filled with real-Life events and personal quotes. It is a book full of anecdotes and testimonies of people from all walks of Life who oriented and guided him toward an optimistic vision of Life. Just point out that this view of Life has no terrestrial borders.
This book is a tribute to all these wonderful people and a hymn to Life.
I’m a Life lover.
I love social and cultural differences.
I try to understand and incorporate them.
I learned to be very open-minded with a great capacity for adaptation.
I love discovering the world around me.
Contact : fabrice.b@timeislife.org
I would like to make a precious dedication to thank all the people I have met throughout my Life. Whether short or long-term encounters, you all brought me insights, joys, laughter, and those moments of Life that allowed me to step forward, learn, and grow.
Today, I begin a new stage of my Life. You are all part of this Life. Hence, I would like to shout a big thank you once again. You are all in my heart.